How To Electronically Sign A PDF Tax

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The unrivaled solution for any eSignature task: How To Electronically Sign A PDF Tax

Questions & answers

How does the e-signature option work? Taxpayers, who currently use Forms 8878 or 8879 to sign electronic Forms 1040 federal tax returns or filing extensions, can use an e-signature to sign and electronically submit these forms to their Electronic Return Originator (ERO).
The IRS doesn't specify what technology a taxpayer must use to capture an electronic signature. The IRS will accept images of signatures (scanned or photographed) including common file types supported by Microsoft 365 such as tiff, jpg, jpeg, pdf, Microsoft Office suite or Zip.
can be used to send and sign many of the documents commonly required for tax and accounting purposes, including: IRS-approved tax forms.
Securely upload scans, photos or digital copies of documents as JPEGs, PNGs or PDFs. Receive a confirmation that the IRS received your documents. The IRS employee assigned the case will then retrieve your uploaded documents.

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